Juara 2 dan 3 English Speech Contest di IKIP Madiun 16 Juni 2013
Hi readers...ketemu lagi dengan blog kami SEC SMAGA Ponorogo.
Recently the delegation of SEC joined speech contest at IKIP PGRI MADIUN at Sunday,
16th of June 2013. So what our result right now? Here we go...dengan berbekal mental
dan materi speech para delegasi SEC dari kelas X yakni Elvrina and Rissa ready to
fighting.Pada speech contest kali ini there are 2 round. Yaitu babak penyisihan
dan babak final. Di babak penyisihan peserta dituntut untuk menyampaikan materi
speech yang telah dipersiapkan. Dari 26 peserta hanya diambil top five. And both
of SEC delegation masuk sebagai finalis. In the final round the participant must
deliver their speech suddenly dengan tema yang ditentukan oleh judges dan 30 menit
waktu karantina. So what the theme that we get? That is Money Politic in Mayor Ellection
and about game online in Indonesia and of course with the question. Dengan harap
harap cemas, akhirnya pengumumanpun tiba. Smaga get two champion here. That is Elvrina
Ain Nur R as The Second Winner and Rissa Anggun D.P as The Third Winner of Speech
Contest in Madiun Recident. Thanks for everything guys.
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