Text 1 Four Charged in Airport Luggage Jevelry Theft
#West Kalimantan Police have named four airline workers suspects for allegedly stealing Rp 500 million in gold jewelry from the wife of a local policeman.
#West Kalimantan Police spokesperson Adj. Sr. Comr. Mukson Munandar said on Sunday that the suspects — identified as S, AG, SH and FI — were ground handling employees for Lion Air flights at the Supadio Airport in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.
#The four are suspected of having taken the jewelry from a bag belonging to Titi Yusnawati, the wife of West Kalimantan Police drugs crime division head Adj. Sr. Comr. Fransetyono on Friday. At the time, Titi took a Lion Air flight from Pontianak to Jakarta to attend her relative’s wedding.
#“Aside from the four main suspects, there are six other individuals who had knowledge of the theft but did not report it to the police. We will also prosecute them,” Mukson said in a phone interview.
#The case grabbed public attention after media outlets initially reported the jewels were worth Rp 19 billion — a staggering value that aroused suspicions of wrongdoing, as Titi’s husband only earns a monthly salary of around Rp 4 million.
#Mukson defended the police officer, saying, “The jewelry is only worth around Rp 500 million and is owned by his wife’s family.”
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